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1001HK 會員
VIP Member


Become our member to enjoy exclusive discounts and information.

1001HK VIP 會員Membership

計劃包括以下服務  Plan including the following services:


每月工作坊或品嚐活動可享有額外折扣。Extra discount for monthly workshop or tasting event.

我們將定期為 VIP 會員提供精選活動的獨家折扣和促銷。 相關促銷代碼將透過電子郵件發送給您。

We will regularly offer exclusive discounts and promotions on selected events for our VIP members. The relevant promo codes will be sent to your via email.


贈送 6張HK$60優惠券,每購物滿$600即可使用一張。

6 x HK$60 coupons use for every $600 purchase.


( 僅適用於購買店內貨品,並不包括參加工作坊或其他活動使用。Valid only for in-store product purchases and does not apply to workshops or other activities. )



We will provide you with the VIP membership card on your next visit to our showroom and using the discount coupon through the card.



Email notification of monthly events and store offers.

成為我們的 VIP 會員 Being our VIP member?

  • 1001HK VIP

    Valid for one year
    • 1. Extra discount for monthly workshop or tasting event.
    • 2. 6 x $60 coupons use for every $600 purchase.
    • ( X apply to workshops or other activities )
    • 3. Email notifications of monthly events and store offers.
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