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  • Wollet

    尺寸 Dimention:

    65 x 92 cm


    物料 Material :

    仿木皮 Wood / 皮革 Leather



    為你呈獻來自JOTHE混合物料方式所製作的簡易名片套 —— Wollet。皮革和木皮所製成的卡套是一種結合自然與手工藝的精品,強調自然材料的原始美感,並且在結合上形成強烈的視覺對比,展現出獨特的質感和風格,是一款兼具藝術性與實用性的配件。


    We presents to you the simple business card holder, Wollet, crafted by JOTHE using a combination of materials. The cardholder, made from leather and wood veneer, is a fine piece that merges natural elements with craftsmanship, highlighting the raw beauty of natural materials. The combination creates a striking visual contrast, showcasing a unique texture and style, making it both an artistic and practical accessory.

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