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六角形時鐘 Hexagonal clock
  • 六角形時鐘 Hexagonal clock

    用料 Material:
    格子織物 Tartan | 硬紙板 Cardboard | 機芯 Movement


    1001HK與 Tartanhk 合作,使用製作服飾時的特色布料,將其裁縫成時鐘的外皮。把家具設計與服飾用料相結合,將布料以不同形式呈現,這樣,想要保留並傳遞的蘇格蘭文化不再僅限於服飾,而是融入日常生活,為大眾帶來美觀與功能並存的創新產品設計。

    1001HK has partnered with Yuen‘s Tailor to use the same tartan used in clothing production and sew it into clock covers. By combining furniture design with clothing materials and presenting the fabric in various forms, the Scottish culture we aim to preserve and convey is no longer confined to clothing but is integrated into everyday life, bringing innovative product designs that are both beautiful and functional.

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