嘉賓 Guest
| 威子 Vinky & 俊仔

Vinky, a freelance singer. Before the covid, she was a swimming coach and now she is also a busker.
After the outbreak, the Hong Kong government implemented a number of measures. In addition to restricting gatherings of people, various group sports such as swimming classes were also forced to suspend. During this period of “social distance”, Vinky was given a chance to get in touch with her interest once again, the one that she had given up due to work - music. In the process, she also got to know many people and things through “music”, which something that she had never experienced before.
Music like “blood”
When talking about music and life, Vinky recalled that she had loved music since she was a child, and that emotion came out naturally, just like blood flowing in the body. After discovering this side of herself, she can still maintain her unique fluidity even in a restrictive environment, and continue to embrace the music she loves at work.

由「被動」到「主動」Changing from ”Passive“ to ”Active“
Chun Jai, a student who also plays music on the street, thinks back on his life. He tells us that his family helped him start playing music and performing on the street. But as he got older and things changed, Chun Jai realized that music had become really important to him. He rediscovered his love for music and started working hard to get better at it.
Choosing Your Own Path
In today’s world, where people often care a lot about money and stuff, it can be hard to figure out what you really want in life. There‘s no one right answer. But as Chun Jai grew up, he found that music meant more to him than anything else. It helped him feel better and connect with others. He decided to stay true to himself and follow his passion for music. Chun Jai set out to make his life something special, like a beautiful song, instead of just going through the motions.